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What AI Movie M3GAN Is Telling Its Viewers

I had the opportunity to watch M3GAN on Netflix the other day, and I couldn’t help but think about it so much since then. While it was released in 2022, I hadn’t heard about it until it was added on Netflix a few weeks ago (?). Nonetheless, I really think that this movie deserves more recognition than it initially received. 

Since artificial intelligence is at its peak at the moment, especially with the popularity of ChatGPT and other AI tools, it’s very timely for many people to watch this movie including you. There are a lot of lessons we can pick up from this film, even though at first, it might seem like a shallow story (like a typical AI movie where robots take over the entire world). I just sincerely hope it will be available on other streaming services soon. Here’s my take on this movie and what I think it is trying to say to its viewers. 

What M3GAN Is All About

M3GAN is a horror sci-fi movie about an artificially intelligent, extremely realistic child-sized doll developed to have a child’s best friend/parent/caretaker. It works by learning advanced AI to learn and adapt to its environment. We’ve seen this familiar theme before in movies like Atlas, Chappie, Ex Machina, and more, but this movie just put out the harsh reality of what the future might look like, especially for parents. 

Want an example of a glimpse of what could happen if something like M3GAN becomes available on the market? Let’s say you’re a parent watching a TV show on DIRECTV, and then your child suddenly throws a tantrum. You don’t have to stand up to tend to them because M3GAN can handle it. She can soothe the child, distract them, or even discipline them if necessary. It’s every parent’s dream, right?

There are three important characters in the movie: Gemma, Cady, and M3GAN. Cady’s parents died in an accident, leaving her to her aunt Gemma. Gemma is a genius roboticist who created M3GAN for a company she’s working for. To beat their competitor, they had to release a groundbreaking doll that no company could imitate, and she did — although it’s still in the works. 

AI and Parenting

From the start, Gemma doesn’t portray herself as a capable guardian of Cady, but she’s left with no choice. And with her new robot under development, there’s no better time to test it with her unfortunate grieving niece. If I were to be put in her place and I have no experience caring for a child or aren’t even planning to have a child, this responsibility is something I wouldn’t take lightly. 

Gemma, struggling as it is, got help from M3GAN, and there’s no doubt about that. In fact, M3GAN was even more of a guardian/parent than Gemma in the entire film. However, what happened with the robot throughout the film and its actions can be pretty alarming. 

Nowadays, parents take advantage of technology to get some stuff off their plate. I mean, parenting is hard as it is, so taking at least 30 minutes to an hour break by allowing kids to watch a TV show on the TV or tablet shouldn’t be a cause of concern. However, relying too heavily on technology to raise children can have negative consequences, and that has already been proven through excessive screen time and how it delays speech. 

It’s not a typical AI movie you’ve seen on Flex TV, for example. It goes beyond the surface — like you really have to think about the scenes and reflect on what it truly means. Parent or not, you will have a great understanding of the message of the film just by paying attention to the smallest details. 

AI Regulation

When AI tools suddenly became popular, many companies laid off a lot of employees, especially in the creative industry. They’re thinking they could cut costs by using AI. After all, it’s cheaper than paying a real person to do the work. However, this shouldn’t be the case. AI imitates, so everything it produces is essentially a copy of something that already exists. 

When you browse the web, you’ll notice that it is now full of content without any value. Why? Because AI is being used incorrectly and irresponsibly. Machines shouldn’t replace humans, but they should make the job easier. It’s the same with technology — it should be used BY humans to achieve greater things. 

In the context of M3GAN, parents or caretakers should never fully rely on technology to replace human connections. There will come a time when we’ll have dolls or toys like this, but we have to remember that no advanced technology can replace what a parent or a sibling or a family member can give — love, care, emotional support, and more. 

Final Thoughts

The world keeps advancing, and we’re all adapting to it. M3GAN is an exceptional movie every one should watch. It requires critical thinking and analysis but it’s very much worth it. It’s a beautiful, meaningful movie that we can all learn from. I’d rate it a solid 8/10 for sure. 

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